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Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Alchohol dealers kick as LG Chair seals shops

Hotel /Beer and Liquor Proprietors Association,  Zaria Branch, has alleged that the  Chairman, Sabon-Gari Council of Kaduna State, Engr. Mohammed Ibrahim Usman tactically demolished Kasuwan Dole (local drinks market) in Dushi Waje, Sabon-Gari zaria to ban sales of alchohol. 

They also alleged that the council boss sealed 300 Beer Parlours and enacted a By-law, which contains stringent conditions inimical for the sales and consumption of alcohol.

Representative of the  association, Mr Thaddeus Tabugbo, said, the sealing of beer parlours exercise  which commenced on Saturday 18th July 2020, was based on order obtained from Magistrate Court under Chief Magistrate Zainab Garba Muhammed. 

The association further stated that, while they were waiting for approval of the local government to renew their license, the chairman of the council  invited them for a meeting. 

The group disclosed that on the course of their meeting, they were slammed down by the Chairman of the council as operating illegal business pemises without license and directed officials of the council to go and closedown all hotels and joints until new licenses are obtained.

The association went to High Court and obtained a Court injunction restraining the council from implementing the chairman closure order.

The association expressed dismay that while the High Court was yet to deliver the judgement, the council went and obtained an order from Magistrate Court based on Bye-Law of Sabon Gari Local Government 2020, to sealed up all their business premises beginning from Saturday 18th July 2020, till August 2020, when the case will come up for hearing.

Reacting to the By-law, the body reiterated that the council enacted the By-law to stop liquor and spirit dealers from the sale and consumption of alcohol within the area, which faced condemnation from dealers of liquor and spirit in Sabon Gari Local Government area.

The condition attached to the new application form for obtaining the license, made  available to journalists by the association provided that the Ward, village head must recommend any applicant to qualified, while the district head name, stamp and signature must be endorsed.

Application  for new license duly signed by applicant upon received of an application reason parts: The council shall cost same to be displayed in conspicuous public place and invite objection to the issuance of the license from the residence of the area where the license is applied for and the objection must be received within 14 days of the application meaning that before giving the association the license the community to operate this beer business, people shall be invited to confirm whether a license should be giving to sell beer in that community.

“On the expiration of the 14 days if no objection is received the council may proceed to issue the license but if an objection is raised the applicant shall be informed.

“Upon the receipt of the application representative of the council shall proceed to either issue the license or reject the application and then inform the applicant of the rejection of the application immediately.

“That the liquor/spirit may be consumed within the license premises(meaning that  drinking shall not be carried out outside that area). That the liquor/spirit shall not be sold to any person below the age of 18years.

“That violation of any of the condition of this license shall render it liable of revocation and persecution. That the license shall be subjected to annual renewal”, it stated.

One of the women victims, Mrs. Hannatu James who spoke to our reporter said she has been in the business since 1994, adding that they relied on the sale of beer, liquor and palmwine for their children fees and feeding.

All efforts to get clarification from the council Chairman was futile as the chairman neither received calls nor respond to text put to him.

Author: one click, quality news

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