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Wednesday 28 December 2016


Plastic rice is gradually finding it way into Nigeria as a dumping ground and some people might never know how dangerous it consumption is. Plastic rice production originated from China and was previously sold  to countries in Asian countries like  Korea, Japan , Singapore, Philippine and in the west.

The  fake rice  is made from a mixture of plastic, sweet potatoes and extract of synthetic hydrocarbon secretion known as  resin which it end product appeared in rice shape.

The must surprising aspect of the plastic rice is that from a mere look, one can hardly differentiate it from original. Its advisible to make a further examination on any rice bought for consumption in order to be on a safer side.

If the rice is unbagged , it will be time saving to smell whether it has chemical odour or not. for further examination, a plastic rice can easily be identified by roasting in a frypan to see whether it melt or not. it can also be identified  by boiling , if the rice have plastic substance two reactions occur, firstly, it looks sticky on the surface, and no matter the how much amount of time dedicated in boiling, it never soften due to plastic substance contained in it. Gistandrhymes.com

continuous consumption of a fabricated rice, leads to hormonal disorder , indigestion and liver cancer. According to Deccan Chronicle Blog ,Experts say that the invasion of plastic foods substance  into body system is one of the causes for early advent of diseases.

To make the situation  worse ,  it recent importation into Nigeria was coincidental with recession  period and as the yulitide season  is on, it might be consumed by majority of people without their knowledge.

Author: one click, quality news

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