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Sunday, 2 March 2025

Shehu Sani visits home of football legend, Ayo Ogunlana in Kaduna


Human Rights activist and Senator who represented Kaduna Central in the 8th National Assembly, Senator Shehu Sani has visited the Kaduna home of the late football legend Ayo Ogunlana during which he condole with the wife and family members.

Senator Sani who described late Ogunlana as a man who was an inspiration to many young people during his foitball playing days and even after he retired from active football.

While comforting the wife and family members over the painful death, the Senator said," I have always asked about him and wanted to get to see him lately but could not get to.visit him until I saw a flier of his death.

" Infact, even when I saw the flier of his demise, I could hardly believe it, so I sent the flier to Tijanni Babangida and Daniel Amokachi to confirm the situation which they confirmed painfully.

" Madam, the death of your husband is painful to us all, not just you and the children but we cannot question God, please take heart and be strong for the children and grandchildren left behind.

" I will urge that his legacies be sustained even after his death and I will be interested in a foundation in his honour" he assured the wife.

The Senator stressed that "it is a good that you are no more and people keep talking good things about you. Your husband has left a big shoe, his legacies should be protected" he encouraged.

"Take heart. You are a source of comfort created to be together.your late husband found his missing ribs in you, having been peacefully married for over 47 years together, God will comfort you" the Senator prayed.

Mrs Ogunlana who in tears thanked the Senator for finding time to visit and condole them said, her husband who died on Friday 14th February which was on Valentine Day was not sick.

She described her late husband as a friend while reiterating that "He was never sick, on that faithful day, he came back from his early morning jogging and said he never understood his body since coming from jogging and asked me to take him inside because he was no longer able to walk and we assisted him to the chair in the living room.

" Shortly while on the chair, he stretched and sat on the floor and thereafter lay on the floor and insisted be taken to the room. I immediately called the doctor who asked that I administered a particular drug to him but no response, so we rushed him to the hospital  and that was the end of my husband" she said.

" My husband is a truthful man, that is one thing i can say about my him, we have lived as friends for 47 years now I. Marriage and God has kept us together even through our his playing days and blessed with children and grandchildren. He was a loving husband and father" she narrated.

Late Ogunlana was a highly astute and vibrant footballer who served the country in several capacities and won several awards.

In his playing days, he was fondly called "dodo mayana" and a "free kick specialist because of his scoring ability.


Author: one click, quality news

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