According him, “Our wives know how to take care of themselves and their environment. They are not usually clean, now they sanitize themselves the house.”
On child spacing, in our area, we have been informing people about childspacing. Even in religion. If you gave birth ensure you raise them well. You can’t be burning children and neglect them . Children are supposed to be in the school but due to the poverty. Don’t give birth to number of. Children you can’t control.

Ask if the ANRIN project has positive impact on the nutrition of the children, Abdulahi said “ mortality rate has reduced.
Abdulahi said “This is a program supported by society for family health in collaboration with ARIN project.
Which a project that supports women from pregnancy to 5 years and adolescents that are married at lower age. Now that the program is rounding up, the stakeholders and communities are taking the ownership. The program should be continue even if the stakeholders are done with their own job
“This is a program that came to support the Igabi LGA in terms of intervention. There are some interventions like Micronutrients and other health related interventions doled out.
“Adolescents that are married at tender age to help them with child spacing.”
Asked how the ANRIN project helped improve child spacing, she said “We have been paying advocacy visit to influential people, like the emirate and clerics to talk about child spacing and it has been successful.
As regard regards to the family planing, as the name implies, it is now child spacing. Maybe the language “family planing” we used in those days is very offensive. People don’t like that language and hence they don’t subscribe to initiative. The northerners don’t like been controlled. So we had to look for other name for the program.
“The work was successfull, because the volunteers come from the community. So the acceptability was high. We listen to the community and address their problems. The achievement is that some of the beneficiaries come on their own to the PHC
“Most of this in our society, a girl is married at age of 14 or so, form that age they are inexperienced or under spell of mother inlaw, so we build their capacity and stimulate their interest and do sensitization.”
Asked the population of adolescents of adolescents receiving the intervention she said “On estimate, 25 percent out of the total of pregnant and married women benefit from the ANRIn and society for family health program.
Regarding change of name from family planning child spacing, she said “Their perception before now was that they think they want to reduce the rate of child birth entirely so, but when we converted it to child spacing, even the religious leader, we told them we have different phisiotopical aspect, we explain in clear terms to them that some ladies who give birth often have problems compared to the one who recovered completely before conceiving another child.
“We let them understand and it is not threat we are depriving them, we just let them know that they will have enough breast milk.
“Only the name child spacing changed. The birth control strategies adopted under family planing is still intact . They take the injectable, pills and all. We only focus on each persons reaction to medication to administer family planing strategy that suited them.”