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Saturday 20 July 2024

Northern Awareness Network Denounces Dalung’s Incendiary Comments

By Editor

The Northern Emancipation Network (NAN) staunchly denounces the recent inflammatory remarks made by former Minister Solomon Dalung against the current administration of President Bola Tinubu. Dalung's comments, which seem to advocate for violent protests and civil disobedience, are not only irresponsible but also pose a serious threat to national stability and unity.

As a former government official, Solomon Dalung carries a significant responsibility to uphold integrity and respect for the rule of law. However, recent statements attributed to him suggest a failure in meeting this obligation. By encouraging the youth to engage in acts of violence, Dalung is not only betraying the trust placed in him by the public, but also jeopardizing the lives and futures of impressionable individuals.

The group in a statement issued by it's Chairman, Salifu Suleiman also averred that, Dalung as a public figure has a platform that can influence and shape the mindset of young people. His words carry weight and can incite actions that have far-reaching consequences. It is therefore crucial that he exercises caution and responsibility in his speech, particularly when it comes to matters of violence and conflict.

Encouraging the youth to engage in acts of violence goes against the principles of integrity and respect for the rule of law. It undermines the very foundations of a just and orderly society, and can lead to chaos, destruction, and unnecessary loss of life. The consequences of such actions are catastrophic, and can have long-lasting repercussions for both individuals and communities.

By promoting violence, Dalung is not only failing in his duty as a former government official, but also betraying the trust that has been placed in him. His actions are irresponsible and dangerous, and have the potential to sow division and conflict among young people. It is essential that he recognizes the impact of his words and takes steps to rectify his behavior.

Furthermore, the allegations of incompetence and ineptitude leveled against President Tinubu by Dalung are baseless and unsubstantiated. While constructive criticism is a vital part of a democratic society, it must be grounded in facts and evidence. Making sweeping accusations without due diligence only serves to sow discord and hinder the progress of our nation.

NAN firmly believes in the power of peaceful dialogue and cooperation to address grievances and effect positive change. We call on all Nigerians to reject the temptation of violence and instead engage in constructive conversations to find solutions to our challenges. 

The Northern Awareness Network condemns Solomon Dalung's incendiary comments and urges all Nigerians to reject calls for violence and embrace peaceful means of expressing dissent. 


Author: one click, quality news

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